Osprey Cam

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

So, you cannot get enough of the Bald Eagle cam?  Add in the Osprey Cam.  This one is showing a wonderful Osprey couple and right now they are building a nest.  Best thing is they are out in the Chesapeake Bay waters.  You get to see water instead of swaying trees.  Sea sickness either way if you are atuned for that.


Eagle Cam

Some of the most important uses of technology is to allow us to see that which we have never seen before.  Right now I am watching Eagle Cam of the Bald Eagle pair, First Lady and Mr. President, with their new hatchlings.  The eggs broken from the inside by the little ones, with an occasionally help from Mom, this week on Eagle Cam living television.

The cameras are now small enough and the transmitters strong enough to be with the nest and not bother the eagles.  This is technology in use for all of us.

Where I live is one pair of Bald Eagles, they were looking for a new nest site during the last couple of years, but have, for one reason or another, found our little peninsula lacking.  We have numerous hawks and a Brown Eagle pair nearby.  The Bald Eagles do soar around us on their missions to restock the larder, but that is all.  I do bring in my cats so they do not become an appetizer.

The ideal place for me is the one in which it is most natural to live as a foreigner

Brits Sour Grapes Italo Calvino

Granted England is somewhere about the size of Manhattan, give or take a few blocks, it is imperative that we former colonists show some interest in Dear old Blighty. Given that the current presidential race scares the drawers off of almost all of Europe, we necessarily look towards our former owner with some desire to learn how things are going on the island.

Although many have shown disinterest in the struggles of the U.K. without a continent full of colonies, we former colonists can show our colors, Red White and Blue, match that of the Union Jack. Why even our songs have similar melodies, albeit with some very different words.

One way that we can show our appreciation for the old homelands is by watching Prime Ministers Questions. Watching those gives a good feel for the parliamentarian form of government. Can you imagine our president down in the well taking the questions from Congress? Why not you say? A rowdy good spectacle you say?

If we are looking to find a place to head to if Trump is president, not saying he could be, but. .. Anyway. Knowing some of the rules necessary to be in Parliament is a good idea for politically active folks. First up, you really do need to be a citizen of Jolly Old England. As Americans, the Brits do not accept our offer that we were former colonists. They still hold a grudge about the late 1700’s. Next is we took over the place during WWII and that is still one of those things hanging around too. Post WWII a great many of us returned with more greenbacks.

But, it is important to remember we picked up a bit of anti-British way of holding our forks. Be careful to use your fork the British way when back and looking about for a new home.

Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux?

I know: Back to the Future. It’s like Back to the Future

Dr. Who 10th Doctor (David Tenant)

I think we have time travelers in our midst. While digging through some folders in my file cabinet, many very old and untouched for years, I came across this sheet of what feels like plastic wrap. On it is something like a printout, which is this strange report. I would not have believed it except how would anyone in 1968 think anyone with a name like Trump could be the leader of the United States. The routing information seems to indicate this went to an agency with a name of National Transform Time Agency (NTTA).   Why it is in my file for LGBT Lesbian Party Invitations 1999 is hard to fathom. I am now wondering about the nice woman who just sailed into the marina.

Washington D.C. National Transform Time Agency, Beltsville, MD

July 4, 1968

Re: visit to July 4, 2018


As Supreme Dictator and Know It All, Trump has allowed only white males who have pledged their right and left testicals (colloquially known as a “balls”) to his dinner table. Although this will render the men sterile, they have acknowledged a predilection towards being worthless anyway. Women are not invited to this event as The Donald has dictated no cu**s in his world (which tends to make him seem a little strange).

For the Supreme Dictator if you want something to happen, gold makes it happen. Except gold which has been in any location where Spanish is spoken. Los Angeles of course. Anywhere in Texas.  Most of the suburbs of Atlanta. Pretty much most of the United States outside of North Dakota. Okay, you need old gold and not the cigarettes. Preferably very old gold which was not in the U.S. before the country became the Protectorate of The Donald.

Due to having a problem with the old Constitution, The Donald changed it to name him as Supreme Leader of the United State of Freedomia and he would write the new version as he wanted sometime in the future. Such a bold move was met by voters saying they were tired of politicians being political and compromisers. They wanted someone who would stand up to compromisers. Now with The Donald in charge they do not have to worry about compromising. As Supreme Dictator he will now let you live your miserable life in pain and want. Congratulations, you voted for your hell.

Without having to deal with old weaklings, after challenging Roberts to a duel to the death with hair coloring, he now owned the Supreme Court. He decided that as Supreme Dictator there was no need for a court of any kind. He would decide if you were a good enough white male or to be exported because you are not. He tells you what you need to know, and that makes it alright with his supporters. There are no known non-supporters left. But there are a lot of non-white people making bricks in the area south of Texas and California. A big wall project is underway.

For some reason the Supreme Dictator forgot to close the northern border which has become an outbound highway full of non-supporters. Most other countries of the world have agreed to take in these refugees. All the good spots in the Caribbean are filled as are South America, Central America, Cuba, Mexico and Australia.

This phase of the testing is complete. The next phase is being prepared and should commence once I have my brain reconfigured to human thought. Listening to those weird people made me upset.

OBTW: The National LGBT headquarters has successfully located to the Virgin Islands. Party Hearty. I met with my counterpart at NTTA and we had a great time she is looking forward to coming to the office sometime with me.


“There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, ‘Do trousers matter?’”

“The mood will pass, sir.”
P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters

Although the thought had been nascent for several years, it once again arises – Obama really is a Blue Dog Dem. Those early years of giving the cookie jar and a few muffins to the Republicans for budget and other lesser things were taken that he was very naïve and trying to compromise, it is now apparent that was incorrect. When every year he gave the Republicans the piggy bank and a few extra cupcakes to pass something or other, it seemed he was trying to compromise.

But,nay. He really has been running the White House on the edge of Republican left or center right of the Democratic platform.

To even float a Republican for Supreme Court is beyond comprehension of this Democrat. It is beyond any scify scribblings I could come up with. The Republicans have treated him like a door mat. They have treated him as they would scum on a pond. The Republicans do not like him, or anything about him.

And, yet he is still trying to play nice with the as*(&les.   He has the opportunity to finally turn the Supremes towards Americans and away from corporations. But, he comes up with a Republican. He can finally turn the Supremes to the left of right. His answer to the question of who should be on the bench is a Republican.

One hundred million Dems or Near Dems in fifty states, a district and many territories and protectorates. And, he could not find one Democrat qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice?

His true colors are now revealed.

Fifty very nasty swear word sentences removed.

He could not find a Democrat; he could not find a liberal or progressive in our country. He had to go with a Republican. Horse apple


You look at a star for two reasons, because it is luminous, and because it is impenetrable.

You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery, woman.”
Author: Victor Hugo

When you look at the governor of South Carolina your memory causes a moment of ugliness caused by past governors. Then you finally see the woman who is leading the Republicans first and her state second. Nobody really cares who she endorsed for the primary. They care who she will take on next.

A few weeks ago, or was it years ago, another woman filled the Republicans eyes with hopes and for many, dreams. That was until she opened her mouth. Why they keep her around is a mystery to many of us, perhaps for their dreams and not for her politics? I have no remembrance of why she reappeared, it may have had something to do with Donald, it may have been part of a television appearance contract everybody thought she had forgotten. One thing for sure she has been returned from whence she came and fast.

The big question I have had since Haley was elected is what is her future? She can talk, and not spill knowledge which has no use in this universe. She is an excellent politician, getting one of the most restrictive voting rights acts completed shows that. She is a very photogenic person, and politics for women is based on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover competition.

I do know that she is the perfect Republican candidate for 2020. She will be forty-eight, still a far right conservative Republican and someone who is not any of the clown car occupants. To me she is what HRC would have been in the nineties for the Democrats. Except that was a different era and we are living today.

This is why I am a Clinton supporter. She has lived these years. She has the knowledge of how the world works and how to make it work for America. Teddy Roosevelt took on many powers one hundred twenty years ago. His reforms are what changed the United States. He and his cousin, Franklin, were as much a part of the Eastern system as any man elected to be president. They were able to “Make America Great”; forget the “Again” bs, America is still great, even though hobbled by a do nothing Congress.

Nikki Haley is why I am very concerned that the Dems have no bench. It is why this year is a must win for the Dems. It gives a couple years to find the bench and then start filling it. O’Malley taking her on in 2020, might be possible. But, we need someone with more kick. A bit of the Bern is needed in the persona. Politics may be about winning the current election more than looking to next week or year. From my little spot on the Bay, we Dems have serious problems in the near future.


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