Category: Uncategorized

  • Lamb Chops in Tomato Red Pepper Sauce

    Sometimes, actually a lot, I will have something to eat (often found in freezer) and want to make it tasty.  Although I usually do lamb chops in teriyaki sauce this time I wanted something else. After rotating through the easy stuff, I came up with tomato cream sauce or mushroom cream sauce.  I really like…

  • What Am I Looking At?

    While watching Meidas Touch Network videos of the current trial involving former guy something seemed odd, at least to me.  Not really thinking about it until one of the talking attorneys was facing the camera.  What was tapping me with the hammer of “wake up it is staring you in the face”? Then I realized…

  • Is It Time for Linux?

    Something different – for several decades the personal computer has become a household product, similar to a television or telephone, if not a replacement of those.  And, there has been little change in how those tools or entertainment devices run.  Windows, Apple and Android made those devices do what they do.  Computers and other things…

  • Key Bridge Removal Continues

    Not much to say as this is a major disaster affecting not only Baltimore and the D.C. region, but much of the United States. These two shots are from April 6, 2024 by the U.S. Coast Guard.  They show the damage and the amount of bridge that is on the bow of MV Dali. 

  • Francis Scott Key Bridge Gone

    In case you had not heard yet, a large container ship hit the supports for the Francis Scott Key bridge at the entrance to the Patapasco River which is where Port Baltimore is.  The bridge collapsed into the river blocking the port. The bridge was I-695, a major interstate of the mid-Atlantic region.  The port…

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