Category: Uncategorized

  • O, what a fall was there, my countrymen!

    Then I, and you, and all of us fell down, Whilst bloody treason flourish’d over us The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II Scene III – William Shakespeare Although the beginning works to attack and destroy drumpf have been designed, it will not be by those who wish him ill that he falls.  He will…

  • Notes about the Russians packing up and going home

    First, and most important, it is not the hacking the DNC that is the issue.  It is what they are doing that is not reported.  The DNC is old news.  Yahoo is old news.  OPM is old news.  VA is old news.  You do not know what they have been attacking.  Those attacks are why…

  • It’s Discouraging To Think How Many People Are Shocked By Honesty

    And how few by deceit.  Noel Coward Something occurred last year about  this time that set me curious and with a questioning of what is going on in this world.  It was repeated this last Friday in another business exchange.  I do not know if it is my generation and those earlier which caused the…

  • We don’t propose to sit here in our rocking chair with our hands folded

    and let the Communists set up any government in the Western Hemisphere. Lyndon Baines Johnson All the deep brotherly air kisses and love between the old guy wearing a shedding rat as a hairpiece and the old KGB agent keeps bringing one thing up.  The old Soviet wants to destroy America.  Whatever the bloater has…

  • Is The Pope Catholic?

      So this is how the worm turns.  A Jewish Socialist goes to Rome to visit a Catholic Pope.  Just the sentence sets off days of late night jokes.  And that is nothing to what is happening in politics. “What the hell is he doing?  No Jewish politician will ever meet a pope!”  Overheard outside…

  • Osprey Cam

    So, you cannot get enough of the Bald Eagle cam?  Add in the Osprey Cam.  This one is showing a wonderful Osprey couple and right now they are building a nest.  Best thing is they are out in the Chesapeake Bay waters.  You get to see water instead of swaying trees.  Sea sickness either way…

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