Interview with Cat

Character interview:
Cat which moved in with PJ
Q: What is your Name?
A: I do not have a formal name, or any nick names. PJ calls me
Cat, most of the time.
Q: Would you like a name?
A: I need to think about that. A name gives an aura of power in
a story, I tend to think of myself as a background character. Although
a name would be nice just in case PJ needs to refer to me when she
is out of the house. For now, Cat is a very good name.
Q: Where do you come from?
A: A very good question. I originally was a member of a six kitten
litter in the corner of a barn over in Columbia. But Mom
shooed us out when I was a wee kitten. I hitched a ride with a
furniture mover to Silver Springs, then down to Takoma Park, a short
hop on the Metro during rush hour, a run along Q Street NW, and I
found myself living in the murderer’s garage. I was just over a year
old and learning things about humans which scared me more than if
I was in a shelter. Once I learned what Peri was doing to fight
the Commies I decided to move in with her. So I waited for her
to leave the door open and I moved in. She does have a nice place.
Q: What do you do to help Peri?
A: Being a cat there is very little I can do. I try to stay out of her way, no use tripping her. Otherwise, I make the house look nicer. When she is out of the house I like to guard the house, you know keep the damned. Commies out of here.

Interview – Cat Page 2
Q: Are there other ways you help her?
A: Oh. Do you mean the physical things in case one of the bad guys
gets in here?
Q: Yes.
A: Well. You should have asked that. I do not like humans, you
included. I did not include that in my bio, you did read my bio? That my
thirty-ninth great-grandfather was a palace guard. That was not by m1stake.
It was on purpose. How would you like to forewarn your enemies that you
will scratch their eyes out and the is literally take their
eyeballs out. That does not do. Do not let your enemies knew your true
firepower. I have so much more I can do to, but I will not talk about it anymore.
Q: Okay. What do you eat?
A: I am very selective in what I eat. First is nothing that a human will eat, or at least nothing my human eats. I have tried feeding
her perfectly good mice, and rats but she runs away with them and
they go. away in the big water bowl.
Q: Besides keeping Peri company what else do you do?
A: I do not keep that person company. At best she is allowed to
be around me.
Q: Okay. I am sorry.
Q: So. you help Peri in any of her fight against the Soviets?
A: Of course. She is able to leave here completely comfortable
knowing that no Commie will survive attacking her home.
Q: Do you have any plans on moving to a new home?
A: Good gawd no! This is one choice assignment. Three squares
a good bed and a very nice CO … No this is a good place to stay.

O, what a fall was there, my countrymen!

Then I, and you, and all of us fell down,
Whilst bloody treason flourish’d over us

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II Scene III – William Shakespeare

Although the beginning works to attack and destroy drumpf have been designed, it will not be by those who wish him ill that he falls.  He will by his own actions and words be taken down.  A man so mentally frail as to lash out in a manner of a petulant three year old will always be looked down on in an adult world.

I am afraid that our country will be rent apart prior to his removal from office.  When republicans (they do not deserve the respect of a capitol letter) scrap their own love of country and respect for the law to stand behind and uplift the man we can be afraid of them too.  They will follow him to the edge of a deep crevasse from which they either see the truth or they blind themselves in idolatry and plunge America to it’s death.

Can the Democrats rally enough support to end this folly of idiocy any time before it reaches a terrible destructive climax?  I keep my faith in a handful of Republicans willing to risk ire of the child to save America from his tantrums.  These men and women are true to their beliefs and to a strong country of these United States.  Their actions are imperative to stopping a blunder, to stopping a wrong, to stopping a child who needs to be bundled in a blanket and a pacifier shoved in his mouth.

Will the Republicans and Democrats succeed?  They must otherwise serious harm will be done to a once great country.

Notes about the Russians packing up and going home

First, and most important, it is not the hacking the DNC that is the issue.  It is what they are doing that is not reported.  The DNC is old news.  Yahoo is old news.  OPM is old news.  VA is old news.  You do not know what they have been attacking.  Those attacks are why the GRU/FSB/SVR are booking flights home this weekend.  Getting them out of the D.C. region is the key.

Second, many of those kicked out were getting to be a pain in the ass.  Not much more is needed to explain their departure.

Third, which could be first, is to box the floater in.  If the orange lunatic wants to turn around and invite the GRU/FSB/SVR back in to reestablish spy operations he would be very close to treason.  This is as much for his “enjoyment” as poking Putin in the eye (sort of like closing down one of his eyes on the U.S.)

I do not know what is going on other than what is reported in the news.  But, I can guess there is something more behind this.  Most likely is a lot more going on to reach this point.  The DNC thing is a nice cover. (don’t worry, the Russians already know that)

Of interest to me is that Putin did not kick out any U.S. operatives at this time.  It is not out of the goodness of his large intestine.  He is KGB and does not have a heart (just wondering what another heartless soul, Cheney, thinks of his party leader kissing up to the Soviets KGB).  Why would he not follow tradition?  I can only guess that he expects this example of “good” will make his saddle buddy allow the GRU/FSB/SVR to come back in and start local spying again.

This action also wipes the slate a little bit clean so that the GRU/FSB/SVR will have to reestablish their networks.  That will take time.  Perhaps longer than four years and the floater will be out of office by time Putin gets operatives back in and doing the nasty.

The best of this is that the Soviets/Russians get kicked in the groin.  A few U.S. assets have been given to the GRU/FSB/SVR, but the loss may not be in the same scale as what was accomplished.

Next note:  GRU is military intelligence, a mix of NSA, CIA and local folk; FSB is local (Russian) intelligence but with some external contacts and SVR is spy service, sort of like CIA.  Be happy you do not have to deal with these people.

Next note:  Putin, and the FSB/SVR would rather have known operatives stay in Russia than to kick out those they know which are there.  This is a multi-layer poker game.  Do you keep what you know?  Or do you remove what you know to wait for a new deal of cards?  Take a card on 16 or take a card on 17.  Hustling the orange lunatic seems to be a running joke.

And, I am sure you are starting to build a question as to why I know this.  I am just like you, except I had been exposed to this stuff a long time ago.


It’s Discouraging To Think How Many People Are Shocked By Honesty

And how few by deceit.  Noel Coward

Something occurred last year about  this time that set me curious and with a questioning of what is going on in this world.  It was repeated this last Friday in another business exchange.  I do not know if it is my generation and those earlier which caused the disruption to my value system.  Or if it was my early religious experiences, of which too affected me.

I drive a truck with a diesel engine.  If you have one you understand the need to replace two batteries, not just one.  As winter was approaching, or perhaps was knocking, it was time to replace batteries which barely made it through summer.  I drove over to one of the big box discount stores and purchased two new batteries.  Asked for the used batteries I said those were still in the truck and I would bring them back the next day.  That was fine and I was not charged a battery fee.

As promised I showed up the next day with the two used batteries.  As I they were being transferred to a storage rack a comment came to me as “Thank you for your honesty.”  At first I thought nothing of it.  I was happy not to have two nasty old batteries laying around.  And more important I gave my word to bring them back.

But over the hours of the afternoon and since I think of that comment and wondered why the clerk felt he needed to say it.  Was theft that rampant?  Were the customers of this store and perhaps all stores, dishonest?  It has been bothersome.  A nit in the drawers.

A singular statement until Friday.

I placed an order with a gigantic online retailer last Saturday for a new mouse and a murder mystery novel.  The mouse was to be delivered on Monday.  Excellent.  Monday, no delivery.  Okay, a mistake was made but of minor consequences.  Tuesday, delivery schedule was to have a mouse and book to my door by eight p.m.  Tuesday, no delivery.  Wednesday, the delivery schedule was to be by eight p.m.  No delivery after eight p.m.  So I called the retailer and they could not get anyone at the delivery office to answer the phone.  I cancelled the order.

Thursday morning there was a box in my door.  It arrived, but was no longer mine.  I did not have time to deal with it that day but I did on Friday.  I called and it took a while for the customer service to understand that the articles were delivered and I would pay for them rather than send them back.  In fact about thirty minutes of customer service trying to figure out how to accomplish such a feat as reopen the order and pay for it again.

Several times during this ordeal I was told by the CS person “Thank you for your honesty”.  What?  I had no idea that agreeing to buy what had been bought, cancelled and now paid for again required honesty.  I do not understand.  I find it hard to comprehend that honesty was what I did.

Put these two experiences together, along with the current discourse of our country from the election and I am still unable to come to any valid conclusion.  “Thank you for your honesty”.  A phrase that is so unusual outside of someone returning a wallet without taking the contents, that it catches with me.  “Thank you for returning these batteries” is what I expected first.  The second time I expected “thank you for your order (even if it is the second time)”.  And now we have someone who might be the most dishonest person ever elected to be president leading by example.  I do fear for these United States.

We don’t propose to sit here in our rocking chair with our hands folded

and let the Communists set up any government in the Western Hemisphere.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

All the deep brotherly air kisses and love between the old guy wearing a shedding rat as a hairpiece and the old KGB agent keeps bringing one thing up.  The old Soviet wants to destroy America.  Whatever the bloater has in mind, and his mind is one thing that could use a bit of chemical treatment, thinking Putin is going to make a favorable deal is nuts.

He is old enough to know how the Cold War went, and how it destroyed many countries around the world.  His business dealings also show he is stupid too.  The blowhard is being played by Putin and the Russian mob.  As he will not release his tax papers we can assume that he his more Russian than American.

Give me people who distrust the Communists. People who were not fooled when Putin said he was all for democracy, as long as he was elected.  People who have seen the real world and not one created in the vacuum of an orange covered cranium.

Hillary, has seen much of the world, starting with her Republican youth.  I still cannot understand why the Republicans hate her so much.  Is it because she stood by her husband, unlike the fifty percent plus divorce rate of the Republican states?  Is it because she is smart? Maybe because she is everything they are not?

A side effect of being a Boomer is to have lived through the Cold War.  The constant propaganda of both sides.  How horrible the Russians/Soviets are compared to your average criminal.  Those godless people, how could we not hate them.  McCarthy assuring us that the Commies are everywhere and only he can protect us from them.

Today we have a McCarthy wanna be.  But is more dangerous.  McCarthy drank too much and died before running for president.  The bloater does not drink, whether or not we can trust that as he lies about anything and everything, so lying about drinking does not rise above anything else he states.

The problem is nothing like Obama bringing an end to the most foolish of embargoes in history.  That Cuba is going to the world, actually Cuba went to the world decades ago, and America finally recognizes the problem of holding an embargo for Miami votes is nothing like taking the Soviets into America through the White House.

No sleeper cell is the bloater.  He admits to being under the influence of the Kremlin in his campaign word salad.  Having been in the U.S. military I was trained to be ready to fight in Europe against unnamed forces which probably had a big red star on their uniforms. Although I could not and would not mix up the Soviet star and the Macy’s star (yes there are people who do not shop at Macy’s because they think it is a Soviet store).

I do not trust Putin.  I do not like Putin and his minions.

Is The Pope Catholic?


So this is how the worm turns.  A Jewish Socialist goes to Rome to visit a Catholic Pope.  Just the sentence sets off days of late night jokes.  And that is nothing to what is happening in politics.

“What the hell is he doing?  No Jewish politician will ever meet a pope!”  Overheard outside someone’s office whose initials might be HRC.  “He might as well be selling wiernerschnitzel in Bethlehem.”

And so another episode of the “Bernie Loves Hilly” program begins.  It seems they might be nearing a divorce or at least a separation.  The last show sounded like the Trump warming up in the shower radio hour.  Not that he would yell at himself in the shower, maybe just in the car and only at the hired help.

Although my time has been spent on things not politic, I have tried to find a daily diary from which to catch up on the various raging super egos.  The best I have come across is a brief read of the TrailMix.CC.  The rest of the world is filled with too much . . . let’s just say wiernerschnitzel.

Of more interest to me is my found family member.  My third cousin once removed.  Please do not ask what that means.  I have no clue.  We do know our great-great-great grandmothers were sisters.  That makes us cousins.  We found each other in the Great Salt Lake City DNA match, or one of the Great Salt Lake City ancestry companies.  That’s okay.  They will save what’s left of my sole.

It is so exciting.  We most likely met in the 1950’s or early 60’s, but did not know the significance of those meetings other than meeting another kid my age.  Iowa farm life, lots of cousins roaming around.

I wonder what the Pope got out of meeting the Bern?  A “feel the burn” T-shirt?  An offer of free college if he moves to Vermont?  Maybe a Senate gallery pass.

All I know is that whatever he did it was nothing compared to the high school debate teams refusing to go to Liberty “University”.  Those kids did something incredible and brave.  My hat is off to them and if I was ever in a position to hire one of them it would on the spot.

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