Returning to those good old days of yesteryear, I made coffee in one of my percolator coffee makers. The deep flavors, the richness of the brew brought back memories of pre-Mr Coffee life. That was around fifty years ago.

Before the innovative Mr. Coffee was invented and mass produced in the United States almost all coffee was made using the percolator. Bad coffee was rampant, good coffee was a delight. Everyone knew what they liked and how to make it. Making coffee was a skill.
I have percolators on my boats and at home. If the power goes out or there is no electricity, like the boats at times, I can always have my cup of coffee. Because I did not have to make coffee the old fashioned way in decades I thought it was about time to do it.
It took a few minutes reading to find the measurements of coffee and water, and how long to let it perk before it was done. With knowledge and returning skills I set up my coffee pot and started cooking. Yes, we called it cooking, which it is. Nothing like drip coffee.
That first pot of rich and full flavor coffee did it. I will be making my percolator coffee for a while.