The Truth Is In The Headline

Coyotes tripping on psychedelics could be terrorizing California’s posh Marin County

Do we live in an already-dead ‘zombie galaxy’ and don’t know it?


Reading these two stories convinced me once again we spend too much time thinking and not enough time sitting back and watching Mother Nature do her thing. In this case she is playing with stoned coyotes and converting galaxies into the non-living. While we are concerned that HRC might lose the election to someone, TBD, who is just slightly more popular than farts in an elevator (that could be one of several in the clown car). A change of perspective is needed.

Due to a media that lives in false equivalencies the polls cited almost always have something about how Trump is more popular than a good beer belch and HRC is about to be indicted for BENGHAZI* or hiding TS emails on her computers. First Benghazi is a thousandth rerun of a used car commercial, it is not going anywhere, because there is no there, there. The email thing is partly dumb thinking, but also how things worked.

Reading the reports of the latest “classified” emails makes it sound just like the others which were supposed to be classified. Maybe they are, but years after the unclassified original emails were sent. Often things are classified well after the action, which may or may not be important. Considering the time duration, this sounds like someone she had pissed off is doing a little payback. I do not see the email situation as important.

So, in the scheme of how life works, I would rather have an old HRC running the show than any one of the idiots riding around in the clown car. Those fools are completely out of this world or universe. More like they are riding in a Zombie Universe, only now showing up on our Earth to confuse low intake voters.

As for the loud mouth, perhaps that mouth had been used like the shroom eating coyotes? It might explain some of the rude behaviour and stupid things said.

*you have to see the movie, and not the trashy thing on the big screen a few weeks ago

cross posted on Trail Mix


Do we live in an already-dead ‘zombie galaxy’ and don’t know it?

Reading these two stories convinced me once again we spend too much time thinking and not enough time sitting back and watching Mother Nature do her thing. In this case she is playing with stoned coyotes and converting galaxies into the non-living. While we are concerned that HRC might lose the election to someone, TBD, who is just slightly more popular than farts in an elevator (that could be one of several in the clown car). A change of perspective is needed.

Due to a media that lives in false equivalencies the polls cited almost always have something about how Trump is more popular than a good beer belch and HRC is about to be indicted for BENGHAZI* or hiding TS emails on her computers. First Benghazi is a thousandth rerun of a used car commercial, it is not going anywhere, because there is no there, there. The email thing is partly dumb thinking, but also how things worked.

Reading the reports of the latest “classified” emails makes it sound just like the others which were supposed to be classified. Maybe they are, but years after the unclassified original emails were sent. Often things are classified well after the action, which may or may not be important. Considering the time duration, this sounds like someone she had pissed off is doing a little payback. I do not see the email situation as important.

So, in the scheme of how life works, I would rather have an old HRC running the show than any one of the idiots riding around in the clown car. Those fools are completely out of this world or universe. More like they are riding in a Zombie Universe, only now showing up on our Earth to confuse low intake voters.

As for the loud mouth, perhaps that mouth had been used like the shroom eating coyotes? It might explain some of the rude behaviour and stupid things said.

*you have to see the movie, and not the trashy thing on the big screen a few weeks ago

cross posted on Trail Mix


End of Summer – Start of Autumn

Once again, the seasons change.  By now I should be used to this fine day.  But, I hate losing summer.  I think of all that was planned and never given the opportunity of beginning.  Most I can do without.  Other little projects I planned on doing, I can do next year.

But what of lost opportunities?  Are they really lost?  Not really.  Next year is good enough to plan for once again.  For this year that means planting tulips to bloom next year.  The large and beautiful daffodils were planted last fall and looked gorgeous this spring as they burst from their cold earthen home.  Yellow covered the small planting fields they grew in.

Taking each day at a time is a fine homage to follow.  Especially if you are not looking forward to taking two or more days at a time.  I have learned much during the last twenty-five some years.  That education says enjoy each day.

The end of crab season is nigh.  But, I know those critters have done their best to return next year.  Too bad polluters have not done their part to help the craps return too.

Labor Day 2015

Sitting here, the television on with a football game on, and not one labor commercial to be heard.  It is only Saturday, maybe tomorrow or Monday one or two will show up.  The success of the United States economy was based on the middle class created by Labor Unions.

As we watch the U.S. economy reach full employment, full employment is now 5.1 percent, it used to be 4 percent when i first took Econ 101, macro economics with Dr. Mandelstam.  The difference is quite large, but I do not get to make the rules.  What we have not seen for most of the working people is wage pressure.  Except for one sector, Information Technology people, Big data handling people and those who know how to design the systems used to learn about your lives.

Do not feel bad if you are not in those positions.  Although I like to tell people it is all 1’s and 0’s, the important part is what to do with the one and with the zero.  It takes a lot of work to reach a level of competency that you should be paid what you are worth.  But, not many people have the ability to think logically.  Lawyers are sort of an exception, but they do not think the same way as an IT person.  Multi-lingual people tend to be, because computers use special languages to function.

But, then not all multi-language people are computer people.  So, once again, generalizations do not work.  But, computer people need an ability to function with many different computer languages.  Something that is rewarded with a higher pay scale.  Except in the federal government.


With our favorite daughter — Chelsea [formerly Bradley] Manning — now heading to a male-only prison it is time to help the world with some basic transgender information. (I have heard I might know something about it.)

First, most transgender people have known they have the wrong body for their entire lives. The best research shows that the brain is correct– it is just that the body got it wrong during the fetal hormone wash. That is when we are all female and then a blast of hormones makes the final adjustments to the brain and body. Usually it works out with the brain and body matching. Sometimes it does not. Some have a female brain and a male body. Others have a male brain and a female body.

Second, if you are transgender, or some place on the rainbow of gender not matching the brain, it is a very difficult time until you find out what is going on. Fortunately, young people such as our daughter Chelsea know earlier than those who grew up in the Baby Boomer generation. The talk of the ignorant about choosing to be gay or transgender is more of them are afraid because they envy big penises and their mothers. Most, up to 80%, of grade 1 to 16 transgender students attempt suicide (European research) due to the pain of being in the wrong body and of discrimination (bullying).  About 40% are successful. Transgender people do not “attempt” suicide. They already have the attention and do not want it.

Third, transgender is gender, male or female or in between (trans 202 We are not binary male or female). Just like the rest of the world. It is the body that is mixed up, not the brain.

Fourth, transgender is gender not sexual orientation. Orientation is what turns you on. At least one transgender person I know is very lesbian. Transgender people are gay, lesbian or bi, just like the rest of the world.

Fifth, transgender people are over 100% more likely to be killed walking down the street than the rest of the population (FBI stats). And, it is usually not a nice killing.

Sixth, transgender people just want to live their lives like everybody else. However, it is difficult when there are those who want to destroy them. Slights or discrimination can be a daily event.

Seventh, male to female surgery is about $20,000, the results are usually very good. Female to male surgery is at least $50,000 and not often successful. You may know or work with a transgender person and not know it.

Eighth, most transgender people do not have surgery, the cost is very high.

Ninth, most transgender people are underemployed if not unemployed.

Tenth, transgender people do not have equal rights in most of the US and the world.

We all need to provide support for Chelsea Manning, there are a lot who want to hurt her.

And that’s the wonderful thing about family travel

— Dave Barry

Road trip!  This is the best idea ever.  Road trip to Iowa.  Now I used to do that when my parents would bundle all of us children up in the car and with Mom in the passenger seat, we would go west from Detroit to Chariton, Iowa.  The purpose was always to see Grandma and Grandpa, my mother’s father and her step-mother.  In to farm country we went.  For Thanksgiving, and sometime during the summer for the Iowa State Fair.  Great stuff.

Now I know things have changed over the years, such as having a complete interstate highway system.  And Sirius radio so you do not go freakin’ nuts trying to find a radio station to change the noise pattern from highway roar to C&W truckin’ music.  And, there are no more Howard Johnson’s.

Doing the road trip in the van makes a lot more sense than in a bus.  You get to see the world as you drive by in a car.  In a bus the view is not the same.  You get to stop in gas stations every 300 miles (or less depending on your bladder).   Stopping in places lets you see prices.  Visiting towns or cities lets you see for yourself the price of gasoline and milk.  Critical knowledge points for those times when some smartass asks you what the price of milk is.

Doing the up close and personal with real people, like those working for a living, right now allows a lot of time in the future to remember these experiences when giving speeches.  I will say that having time to talk with HRC is something  important for those doing the personal contact thing, each of these people will have fine memories to share for a long period.  Personally, I would like to have the experience, just as I would with Obama.

This morning I was talking with someone, a federal employee, about waking up early and writing for Trail Mix.  She asked what the latest post was about and I told her Hillary’s announcement [. . .].  She asked If I was going to write support articles, I told her no.  I have no reason to write those here, but I would be writing things to remind her of who we are and to keep her aim at our level.  Also, posts about the Republican clown car; but those would be too easy so I would not do too many.

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