Coyotes tripping on psychedelics could be terrorizing California’s posh Marin County
Do we live in an already-dead ‘zombie galaxy’ and don’t know it?
Reading these two stories convinced me once again we spend too much time thinking and not enough time sitting back and watching Mother Nature do her thing. In this case she is playing with stoned coyotes and converting galaxies into the non-living. While we are concerned that HRC might lose the election to someone, TBD, who is just slightly more popular than farts in an elevator (that could be one of several in the clown car). A change of perspective is needed.
Due to a media that lives in false equivalencies the polls cited almost always have something about how Trump is more popular than a good beer belch and HRC is about to be indicted for BENGHAZI* or hiding TS emails on her computers. First Benghazi is a thousandth rerun of a used car commercial, it is not going anywhere, because there is no there, there. The email thing is partly dumb thinking, but also how things worked.
Reading the reports of the latest “classified” emails makes it sound just like the others which were supposed to be classified. Maybe they are, but years after the unclassified original emails were sent. Often things are classified well after the action, which may or may not be important. Considering the time duration, this sounds like someone she had pissed off is doing a little payback. I do not see the email situation as important.
So, in the scheme of how life works, I would rather have an old HRC running the show than any one of the idiots riding around in the clown car. Those fools are completely out of this world or universe. More like they are riding in a Zombie Universe, only now showing up on our Earth to confuse low intake voters.
As for the loud mouth, perhaps that mouth had been used like the shroom eating coyotes? It might explain some of the rude behaviour and stupid things said.
*you have to see the movie, and not the trashy thing on the big screen a few weeks ago
cross posted on Trail Mix