I Like To Have A Martini

Two at the very most.
After three I am under the table,
after four I am under the host.
— Dorothy Parker

How do we survive this turbulent period? Obviously many are supporting breweries, wineries and distilleries. In Colorado we can be sure they know the local pot shop and keep a supply of Boones Farm Apple in the cellar.

But, suppose loyal Democrats want to do more. At this time, those wishing for the old politicians to act are probably needing a palliative. Except for O’Malley, the current Democratic bench would be 70 years old or older if elected in 2016 and sworn in in January, 2017. Geriatric is a description that is more than about age.

Will HRC run? At this point I do not care. I want to see the rest of the crowd. A beauty pageant is what we used to call them, but that is old fashioned. Is this important? Yes. It is my era, the same era that HRC, Warren, Biden, Webb are from. I am from the 1950’s. I am from the 1960’s. I am from the 1970’s. I am from the 1980’s. This is what raises concern in my thoughts.

The voters who matter, the voters needed to fill the polls and be volunteers in 2016, will mostly be in their 70’s or 60’s or 20’s. Those old enough for Social Security are not who we need to convince. They will vote D, as they have much of their lives. We need those in their 20’s to volunteer and vote.

This last week, actually today, I made a comment about 1978 to a co-worker. Carter was warring against the use of energy and we were still okay in Iran with the Shah. My co-worker made a comment that is critical to 2016: “I wasn’t even born then.” That is critical to understanding what kind of problem we have. He is all for experience that comes with age. But, when you start promoting and running a grandmother for president, you need to understand his concerns.

The Republicans have been knocked up side the head enough to understand their problems, and they have very serious problems. But, none severe enough to prevent finding a candidate a decade younger than the presumptive Democratic candidates. That ten to fifteen years difference can be important, especially if there is any sign of aging. Missed words, skipped words, misuse of words, vague statements with wrong words and you can forget winning this one. Granny, show me the Lindy Hop, please.

The Dems in their 50’s are who I would like to see.  Hopefully, a few will start peeking around the corner.


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