— Mary Shafer, NASA (1989)
[avatar user=”blue bronc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Blue Bronc[/avatar]Well. After a couple years of vapid nothings we are in the countdown to a launch. Not just any launch, but a full-fledged billion dollar explosion of power dollars launch.
Am I surprised at the multi-day warning to this announcement? No. In fact I am concerned that this is going to be like what we used to call vapor-ware. A lot of promise of delivery and in the end the product has as much substance as a puff of cloud.
HRC has all by the short hairs and is ready to smash away with a mallet when she announces. The backwater talk keeps up with many references to Bill, Lewinsky, Benghazi (the never ending Republican search that nobody else cares about), New York, Arkansas, D.C., dancing with the real people, haircuts, pant suits, passing out and hubris excelsior. So far the Republicans are not chipping the voters away.
Can she produce a campaign that does keep the Republican clown car occupants destroying the Republican brand? Sure. A camel dressed in a serape can do that. Can she help down ballot? That is the big question. One that she needs to address if she wants to run our country with a friendly Congress.
There are many other concerns I have about America, and I hope they are addressed during the next year and a half, addressed in a way that show how wrong it is to elect Republicans. I don’t expect to elect HRC based on those. I do want her elected because she might turn out to be a good president.